Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Flowers #7 Camellia Surprise

Camellia Surprise
DPW $50

     This poor little canvas has been washed down so many times it is getting threadbare. Everything lately has been a disappointment until now. Finally I have one I like and it was easy! After working hours and hours on lousy failed paintings, suddenly I am surprised by the simplicity and ease that produced a success. You just can't figure out some things.
     This flower is from my camellia bush. (Deer don't like them much.) Last year I gave it a good pruning, and this year it is so loaded with blooms that it gave me a pleasant surprise. I really love this flower. It showed up just when I needed it.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Love the colors! Loved hearing your story of painting over "failed" paintings. My little studio is filled with painted/gessoed over paintings. Good to hear others struggle like that. This one works, tho!
