Friday, November 16, 2012

Lily the Cat

DPW $216

     It is easy to see how ancient Egyptians could worship cats as gods. And I bet the ones they worshipped most were Abyssinians. This one lives here in Nevada County and was kind enough to say I could paint her picture. 
     In this painting I tried to get that upward turn of the head with the light coming from below, glowing on her beautiful fur. She is looking up and I wanted her eyes aimed at that interesting something, but one eye is dominant. That is usually the case. I still paint them at the same time, or else they might look they belong to different cats.


  1. Cheryl, Katie W. turned me on to your blog and it's so great! I love yur comments and your art, both! This piece of the cat is amazing-- great light, great look, I love the simple background. Really gorgeous!
    Liz Collins

    1. Hi, Liz.
      Aren't you nice to comment! Thanks so much.

  2. Love your soft finishes to your work and great color...just beautiful!
