Thursday, August 22, 2024

646 Hwy 20 Hill

Hwy 20 Hill
oil on canvas

     I am studying landscapes. Not strong in this department.
     It is fun though to go on field trips, taking a picnic lunch and the dog, to gather material.
     This scene told me I did not know how to paint clouds. I enjoyed researching that and found that there are many, many, many ways.
     This view along Hwy 20, near Bridgeport, is a typical California scene at this time of year.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

645 Mendocino Cliff

Mendocino Cliff
oil on canvas

     I am enjoying learning about Tonalism, so I am trying my hand at it. I hope to do more because I find it very interesting and moody. I am also trying the new thing for me which is landscape on square canvas. I like this one. I think it is cute. (Can something be both cute and moody?)



Friday, May 3, 2024

642 Resting Deer

 Resting Deer
oil on canvas

     I looked out and there she was under my window, looking right at me. She hung around while I got my camera and then lingered even longer as the morning passed. I left her alone to let her rest awhile.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

638 Cherry Bowl

 Cherry Bowl
oil on canvas

     This is the final painting of last summer's cherries. I painted this one on an old canvas that had been washed down so many times I did not know if paint would even stick to it. It was pretty slick. I had a little trouble with it because of that, but it turned out that the worn out old canvas was good for something after all.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

639 Bartlett Pears

Bartlett Pears
oil on canvas

     Pears have been a favorite subject of mine since the very beginning of my painting endeavors. They still charm me with their shape, color, stems, variety. Actually, any painting of a pear turns out kind of good no matter who paints it.

Friday, November 24, 2023

637 Ginkgo

oil on canvas

     "I found this on the web:

'The seed of the Ginkgo is used for food, especially soup, the wood is used for religious furniture, and the leaves and nuts are used for medicine. 

What a tree!

In the painting the colors are somber, and there is hardly any point of interest, just one leaf among many. It was hard to do, and I thought about washing it down, but something told me not to. I am glad I listened because now I like it.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Molly Meets the Reindeer

 Molly Meets the Reindeer
Colored Pencil on Paper
about 8x10"

     Around the same time I made my little book, But Not So, I drew this image. Long time ago. I did not have internet readily available then, and I did not know how a reindeer's antlers went actually. I consulted lots of books and I think I did an honest job. It was interesting to learn that the brow tine that goes down the center of his face is only one. It is not a case of a symmetrical pair of antlers.
     I used Piper and Keely from But Not So as my model for Molly. Molly was just as pretty, but I felt that a more recognizable breed was called for here. The image is in honor of Molly, a very good girl.

You can use the link below to buy reproductions of this image from Fine Art America.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

635 Fuyu Family

 Fuyu Family
oil on canvas

     Little orange fruits! I love to paint them. I was so happy to find these at Trader Joe's all carefully packaged so that their crazy little leaves were not scrunched. Sometimes they dry out and break, ruining their perfect beauty for my painting, but not this time. Even when the leaves turn brittle, the fruit still tastes good. I like mine with a wedge of lime.

Friday, November 3, 2023

634 Cameo Crisp

Cameo Crisp
oil on canvas

     When I cut into this apple for lunch, I gasped at the beauty of the colors in its glistening cut surface. So I hurried to take some pictures before I ate it.
     It tasted pretty good. It is a Cameo Crisp (never heard of it before). Fujis are my preferred apple, but I like to try new things, and I am glad I did because it gave me a whole new painting. Thank you.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

632 Murray

oil on canvas

     When I began Murray (who lives with Georgette and Elizabeth), I thought maybe I would not finish it because the colors were so neutral. Where would the point of interest be? But as I continued I found him just so beautiful, and now I love the neutral colors. They are beautiful too.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

633 Cherries Three

Cherries Three
oil on canvas

     Before I ate the cherries, I poured them out on the table and let them fall where they may. I then photographed them from several angles. Now I have so many images to paint. On that day, I could not take a bad photograph. I love when that happens.
     More cherries to come.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

631 Spilled Cherries Closeup

Spilled Cherries Closeup
oil on canvas

     Summer fruit always yields new paintings. And then you eat.
     Fall is here. I am hoping something beautiful and delicious comes my way.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

630 Georgette

oil on canvas

     Georgette belongs to my friend Elizabeth who I met through Zentangle. We get together regularly with others to tangle. Can you really say a cat "belongs" to someone? If not, then Georgette lives with Elizabeth.

Friday, August 25, 2023

629 Crayons

oil on canvas

     This is the box of crayons I keep in my studio with all my art supplies. They are fun to use and you never know when a budding genius will show up wanting to spend time with you. And, ah, the sense of continuity with the past, knowing Crayola still makes magenta.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

628 Ball and the Jacks

Ball and the Jacks
oil on canvas

     As a little girl I loved playing jacks, playing with others, playing alone. My jacks of choice were fat and heavy and my favorite ball was a golf ball. Had to play on a concrete surface in order to get a good bounce with the ball. That equipment was probably too heavy for my third-grade hands, but it was necessary if you took your jacks seriously.

Friday, June 2, 2023

623 Two Red Camellias

Two Red Camellias
oil on canvas

     It looks like flowers will defeat me, and still I attempt to paint them. When I see them in real life, they are so beautiful that I cannot resist the desire to paint them, but so often they end up looking amateurish. I cannot decide if this one is good or not. It seems constrained, uptight. I like the stem in the jar though.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

621 Simone

oil on canvas

     Simone Simon, such a pretty one. I liked her in Cat People, a scary and psychologically interesting old movie. Her hair was darker in that movie, but she is blondish here in this photo that I found. Hollywood probably made everybody a blonde at least once.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

607 Deer Gaze

 Deer Gaze
oil on canvas

     Although the whole family of deer were in the yard, lying about, they would not let me get close enough for many good pictures. I have moved the bird bath in hopes of luring them closer so that I can have more of a clear shot at them this year.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

611 California Quail

California Quail
oil on canvas

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -

How Emily Dickinson expressed the inexpressible!

I think paintings can be like poems. I have recently learned that James McNeill Whistler thought of paintings as musical compositions. I suppose all these means of expression are ways of making connections with others. I hope that is true.

Monday, August 22, 2022

610 Satsuma Branch

 Satsuma Branch
Oil on Canvas

     This branch with one satsuma was hanging over the edge of the table. The setup had several oranges and a lovely white teapot, but this little hanging branch is what looked beautiful to me. I especially loved the cast shadow against the table cloth.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

608 Allison's Kitty

Allison's Kitty
Oil on Canvas

     I love cats and love to paint them. This one belongs to Allison and is so very black. It was surprisingly easy to paint his blackness. I used ultramarine blue and transparent oxide red to get the deep, deep black. The white catchlight against the black pupil really makes his eyes live. It is fun to save that until the end. It is like turning the lights on. Great cat.

Monday, November 1, 2021

603 Milo

oil on canvas

     I tried painting this image of Milo, who lives at Animal Ark in Reno, many months ago, but I was so disappointed with it that I wanted to give it another try. Cougars have the prettiest face in the world, and my first effort was just wrong, not pretty at all. This one is better. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

601 Carmen M

 Carmen M
oil on canvas

     Painting teeth in a portrait is not recommended. But how can I paint Carmen without her big smile?
     I never saw her in her old movies when she was not smiling, sparkling, and having so much fun.

Friday, October 15, 2021

600 Brooks

oil on canvas

     This time I painted Louise with a slightly different limited palette: chromatic black, cad red light, yellow ochre, and white, of course. I am stunned by the beautiful colors that come from just those four paints. I worked from a black and white photograph and just used the values that the colors gave me.


Monday, October 4, 2021

599 Veronica

oil on canvas

     Veronica Lake, of the Peek-a-Boo hairdo, always seemed so sweet and delicate. She was actually blonder than my painting shows. I wonder if it was natural.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

598 Brother Squirrel

Brother Squirrel
oil on canvas

     This squirrel has a cute little face all full of such innocence, but his hands have dangerous claws. He must need them in the big world where he is so small. Also he is fast. Davy chased him one day and did not catch him. Thank goodness!


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

596 Pink Carnations

 Pink Carnations
Oil on Canvas

     If I said it took two weeks to paint this little gourd full of carnations, no one would believe it. But it is true. I wonder how many times you can wash down a canvas before it falls apart. I must have come close. I had some troubles finding the vision for it and I had grown rusty while finishing up my little book.
     Carnations do not have a noticeable center so you get lollipop flowers. Also I tried using a synthetic brush which is not as responsive as natural bristles. 
     There is, after all, something about it that I like.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

But Not So

 But Not So
Children's Picture Book
28 pages

     So many years ago the idea for this came to me and I have kept it alive in the back of my mind all this time. I really cannot describe the joy of bringing it to fruition at last.
     The story is simple and the images are too, but the process of putting it all together was NOT simple!  My admiration for professional illustrators has grown enormously. They deserve so much credit and appreciation.              
     My book can be found on Amazon, Children's Books. Put my name in the search box, but I am not the only Cheryl Wilson on Amazon. My Animals book and But Not So are my only books that you will find, so far.

Friday, June 11, 2021

595 Jar of Camellias

 Jar of Camellias
oil on canvas

     More camellias. Last spring was good for them. Looking forward to next spring, hoping the deer don't get them before I do.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

594 Pink Cam

 Pink Cam
oil on canvas

     I love pink flowers. Red makes a bigger statement, but pink is my favorite, no question.
     I am trying to paint as briefly as I can. I want each stroke to stand on its own and not get lost in overworked places. Fresh!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

589 Teacup with Rose

Teacup with Rose
oil on canvas

     Roses do not last long in my neighborhood because the deer just love them. This little bush grows on an upstairs deck, so it was safe for a few blooms. It looked very pretty in Aunt Hazel's china cup.


593 Yellow Zin

Yellow Zin
oil on canvas

     What a lovely winter day with lots of snow for the puppy to play in! This zinnia is from last summer. Glad I photographed them while I could. They sure are gone now.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

592 Monte and Keely

 Monte and Keely
oil on canvas

     How hard it is to lose a loved one. When our yellow lab Keely left us, we had Monte, a pup mix, to help us through the grief. Now, years later, Monte is gone and we have no new generation to comfort us. 
     He loved Keely and I always treasured this photo of them together. I painted it and I am pleased with it, but it was hard.

Friday, July 10, 2020

591 Kitchen Sunflowers

Kitchen Sunflowers
oil on canvas

     These big ol' sunflowers were a gift from friends to warm my new kitchen remodel. I knew immediately that I would try to paint them because they would serve my still life endeavors. I tried to see less (squint) and connect shapes. Such a lot to learn, even after you think you know everything there is to know.
     The kitchen looks good and the flowers looked good in it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

590 Fox Squirrel

Fox Squirrel
oil on canvas

     When we moved to town, we made a new friend, the fox squirrel. Where we lived before we had gray squirrels and Douglas squirrels (so cute!).  We think this guy is pretty cute too.
     The canvas had a mishap that affected the surface quality. I had put it in the freezer to keep it fresh until the next day to finish it, and the freezer breaker switch flipped and the freezer defrosted on my canvas overnight. I thought it would be easy to repair, but it was not. The marks still show. I have decided to accept them.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

587 Traveling Raspberries

Traveling Raspberries
oil on canvas

     These raspberries are from a bush originally from Oakland, CA, the yard of the the sister of my friend Jay.  I planted them at my old house, and then when we moved here, I brought them with me. They are doing fine because the deer do not eat them. 
     Painting raspberries is a good thing because as they continue to ripen and fall off, I can just pick them up and pop them into my mouth.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

586 Sunflower Challenge

Sunflower Challenge
oil on canvas

     It has been quite some time since I participated in the DPW Painting Challenge. I should do it more often because it is such a good discipline. For example, here I am painting a flower, not my best thing. That is OK. It is good for me.
     This particular flower grew volunteer in my yard, so, naturally, I took its picture and I am glad I did. I needed it for this challenge.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

585 Toyon

oil on canvas

     Toyon grow wild just over the split rail fence in our backyard. There are only four lining the property line, but I wish they went the whole way. Some people call them Christmas bushes. Very cheery red berries in the winter.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

582 Fuyu Line

Fuyu Line
oil on canvas

     This year's series of persimmons has been fun. Next week we go to the Mandarin Festival in Newcastle CA where I hope to find my favorite little oranges with stems and leaves still on. I will be needing new material for next year.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

581 Eli

oil on canvas

     Eli lives at Animal Ark in Reno NV. His ears are very short because they froze off before the good people in Reno could rescue him. I took this picture of him considering a reddish fruit. I think it was a carrot, but since I do not paint carrots very well, I turned it into a tomato. I hope it is true that bears eat tomatoes. If not, then this is an example of artistic license.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Persimmon Crowd
oil on canvas

     Sometimes when I paint these little orange fruits, they begin to take on personality. I think of them as individuals, people, boys and girls, friends. But at dinner time I don't think about that.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

578 California Apple

California Apple
oil on canvas

     It is harvest time for apples and persimmons in Northern California, so I must hurry to get my photography done before they are all gone to market. The trees are beautiful fully laden with their fruit. I just take lots of pictures of the trees, go home, download, and look for the paintings in the trees. One tree can give me several compositions to choose from. I feel so rich.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

577 Red Zinnia

Red Zinnia
oil on canvas

     I believe this is the most difficult piece I have done all year! It was not the white on white that was the problem. It was all the little bitty details in the phone itself. And I left most of them out.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

575 Peach with Leaves

Peach with Leaves
oil on canvas

     I had toned the canvas with Venetian Red and then found the reddish peach looked pretty on it. I decided to keep the color of the toned canvas but thickened the surface with more paint. The colors worked for me and I had very little more to do. It was like the painting said, "Here, Cheryl. We are going to give this one to you."
     Thank you very much.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

574 Peeking Deer

Peeking Deer
oil on canvas

     It was pretty cute. This one was standing behind the tree and peeked out to look at me when I took his picture. He was coming in to get a drink at the birdbath (the one that got broken when we moved). Now we have a new birdbath and I am hoping for visits from our new neighbors, the family of deer that lives here in the woods near us. I need fresh material.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

573 Greta in Blue Cap

Greta in Blue Cap
oil on canvas board, cradled

     I measured her face to see how she stacked up to the Golden Ratio. Point for point perfection. I love her in Ninotchka, when she says, "Must you flirt? Suppress it."

Thursday, September 5, 2019

572 Pink Camellias

Pink Camellias
oil on canvas

     As you may know, flowers give me trouble. Our camellias this year were so beautiful and I love that pretty pink color. I am just always worried that my paintings of flowers will look trite, and they often do.
     I did enjoy composing the canvas though. I am interested in the divine proportion. If you multiply the length and width of the canvas by .618, you arrive at a result that is better than the rule of thirds. I never brag about my math skills, but I find the way the divine ratio works is great fun.

Monday, August 26, 2019

571 Madison B

Madison B
oil on canvas
12 x 12"

     I do not do commissions. I have said it before and I say it now. But when I saw Madison, I knew I would make an exception. She struck me as truly exceptional.
     She did, however, remind me of why I do not do commissions. First, she is a brown dog. How to make the brown look beautiful? Then there are her white spots. How to include them without it looking stupid? And I never would have been able to reproduce her spots and not someone else's spots. So leave them out.
     Her eyes though turned out more easily. I did work on them quite a while and used all the tricks in my art bin, but I did not find them to be problematical. I hope her family agrees with me.

Monday, August 12, 2019

570 For Julee

For Julee
oil on canvas

     Julee did a big favor for my sister when she needed some serious help after her hospital stay. As a way of saying "thank you," my sister asked her favorite artist (me) to paint Julee's adorable dog as a gift. Here is the little darling, and, as usual, I fall in love with the subjects I paint.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

569 Peach with Leaf

Peach with Leaf
oil on canvas
     The Growers Market is the best place to find fruit with the leaves still on. I bought several and then photographed them right away because I knew they would not last. I was right. We ate them immediately. Local summertime peaches--heavenly!